
The Backstage Show is a podcast about theatre, hosted by two guys who have been involved in several community theatres in the Philadelphia suburbs, in various capacities, for many years. We discuss a variety of topics in a conversational manner—you don’t need to be involved with theatre to listen, though you may find things more of interest if you are.

Each topic we discuss will span one or more weekly podcast episodes in series—one conversation divided into bite-size chunks so you’re not stuck listening to us ramble on for hours at a time. The episodes each run about a half an hour.

Your Hosts, Glen (left) and Jim (right)

The Backstage Show is hosted by Glen and Jim, who have more than 40 years combined experience in theatre. They have been both onstage and backstage in countless productions throughout the Philadelphia area. Despite this, they consider themselves far from experts.

Neither Jim nor Glen has a theatre education. Jim has an engineering degree and is currently employed as a computer hardware engineer. Glen has two degrees in English literature and is currently a freelancer specializing in voice over, graphic design, and editorial.